Christianity and Social Outreach in Presbyterian Church Nsimeyong, Yaoundé – Cameroon (2016-2023)

 Agbor Charles Nda,
University of Bamenda, Cameroon

For quite some time now, the Church in Cameroon has been preaching the gospel of “love your neighbour as yourself” to hungry and socially vulnerable people but in the majority has often failed to be pragmatic. This study examines the situation in the Presbyterian Church (PC) Nsimeyong, Yaoundé-Cameroon since 2009 with evidence that without the social support of Christians, the gospel cannot bear spiritual fruits if not accompanied with true love demonstrated by support to one another. Since then, this congregation has gone passed its traditional responsibility of theoretically propagating the Good News to that of practical implementation. It is true this congregation has been taking many charitable initiatives towards Christians before now, but such philanthropic gestures have quadrupled and the impact and euphoria on the faces and expressions from beneficiaries is evident. The study seeks to understand how PC Nsimeyong preaches the practical gospel. In search for elements of response to this question, the research sorted for data from primary and secondary sources and with the use of the qualitative method, it revealed that Presbyterian Church Nsimeyong is an outstandingly benevolent. It was noted that this congregation, through a committee called “Diakonia committee” has elaborated a social scheme for the aged, internally displaced, orphans, widows, children, students and all those on the margin. This has brought in both the social and spiritual transformation of beneficiaries. The study concludes that other religious denominations must emulate the actions of this committee in order to accomplish the word of God.

Keywords: Christianity and Social Outreach, Presbyterian Church Nsimeyong, Cameroon

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