Heritage and Conservation: A Post-Colonial Assessment of Heritage and Conservation Laws and Policies in Cameroon20240916235045

Heritage and Conservation: A Post-Colonial Assessment of Heritage and Conservation Laws and Policies in Cameroon

Author: Ngome Elvis Nkome (PhD)University of Bueangome.elvis@ubuea.cmAbstractHeritage and conservation are crucial for any society because they portra...
Bimbia in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: Exploring the Ruined Trade Structures and Artefacts as Visual Cultural Heritage20231127181850

Bimbia in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: Exploring the Ruined Trade Structures and Artefacts as Visual Cultural Heritage

Author: Ngome Elvis Nkome, (Ph.D.) Departments of History and African Civilizations | University of Buea | nkomengome@yahoo.co.uk or ngome.elvis@ubuea...